Writers Vasil Tocinovski and Hristo Petreski are the first winners of the newly-established international award Icarus which is awarded by the Macedonian Community 'Pela' from Sombor, Serbia.
In Sombor, over the past few days, the symposium 'History as a literary and active exchange' is being held within the framework of the manifestation 'Literary-Historical Sombor Spring', at which the award winners Tocinovski and Petreski will also take part.
The manifestation put an accent on the development of spiritual tolerance and the continual establishment of literary work and cooperation with Macedonia and neighboring countries.
A platform SRMA (Serbia-Macedonia) is already established, i.e. Days of Macedonian-Serbian Culture, that is held in Sombor with the participation of writers, musicians, film, theater and other artists, scientists, social workers and other professionals.