The Macedonian public can expect a new 'circus act', directed by Special Prosecutor Katica Janeva, similar to the one that took place at the press conference she and her associates held on Monday, reads.
SDSM's desperate rating will result in future with political performances acted by the special prosecutor, experts deem.
According to analysts, the plan of opposition leader Zoran Zaev and Katica Janeva is to destroy the reputation of several members of VMRO-DPMNE's leadership through a negative campaign in the public, which is a clear sign of the despair his party is faced with. SDSM believes that this is the way to increase its rating.
Experts also deem that the low quality of SDSM's work is that the party does not have an election program, nor ideas, and just ten days before the dissolution of the Macedonian Assembly.
Law professor, Tanja Karakamiseva, stresses that Zaev will try to postpone the election until he is certain he has won the votes of the constituency, although he is deeply aware that it is an impossible mission because the citizens would never vote for destroyers of state, but for builders.
"The citizens would never vote for the underground's entrance into politics, but for concrete, serious and responsible personalities who work exceptionally in the interest of the citizens. Therefore, the SPO's attempt to discredit and destroy VMRO-DPMNE will be sterile and without any political effect. Those who will lose in the end are Zaev and SDSM. The citizens will punish these destructive characters, and the authority that is the accomplice in the political scenario on Macedonia's obliteration, and which serves for other, and not for civil interests, will enter the legal history chronicles as the greatest national embarrassment that has ever appeared on the Macedonian legal scene," Karakamiseva considers.
Experts also believe that the unique offer SDSM can make is destruction, manipulation and lies turned into political assaults. The biggest 'project' that the party has offered so far was the 'Affairs' Factory', a political scandal created by Caus and Janeva's actions that culminated with the arrest of Edmond Temelko.
A proof of SDSM's 'popularity' are the ratings that equal to zero. According to relevant survey agencies, such IRI (International Republic Institute) and Brima Galup, SDSM lacks greatly behind VMRO-DPMNE.