Matthew Nimetz, the UN mediator on the name dispute between Athens and Skopje, considers that after June elections, the conditions for resolution of name dispute over Macedonia’s name will again be created.
In the interview with SKAI TV, as Kathimerini daily reports, Nimetz said that migration crisis makes the moment even more important to address the problem, adding that if it was resolved so far the two countries would have been partners in the EU and NATO and the refugee problem would have been overcome more efficiently.
Nimetz highlighted that he felt disappointed because "gap" existed for a long period, which did not allow enough attention to be paid regarding the efforts to solve this problem.
However, lately this has been surpassed, the contacts between the officials of the two countries were restored and the right tone on restarting negotiations process was found, Nimetz said.
It was disappointing that there was a period when both sides gave harsh statements, but I think the true test for serious negotiations will be when both sides will sit down at the table and will face each other in an attempt to find a solution. Only in this way certain progress can be achieved, Nimetz said.
Asked when he plans to sit down at the negotiating table with both sides, Nimetz noted that currently Macedonia is led by interim government with a mandate to organize elections in early June and expressed confidence that undisputed and fair election process will be organised, after which new government will be formed.
When a new government will be formed, I believe that Athens and Skopje officials will meet with me and we will make a serious effort to resolve this problem, Nimetz said.
As for the use of "FYROM," Nimetz stressed that the reference is obligatory for the United Nations and other international organisations as a provisional name pending a solution, while bilaterally, the countries can name the country as they decide and UN Security Council cannot instruct them otherwise.