For the fourth time, Macedonian students will take part in NASA's global competition and they will have the opportunity to find solutions for some of the problems the Earth and the Universe are faced with.
The competition in Macedonia will be held from April 22 to April 23 and it will be organized by the Macedonian-American company "NewMan's Business Accelerator".
The teams will work on challenges associated with aeronautics, planet Earth, space stations, travel to Mars, the solar system and space technology.
Teams can apply by April 17.
"This competition is open to students who are studying programming, but also to those who are natural studies students of biology, chemistry, physics, geography, as well as the rest of the social studies students. The best teams will get the opportunity to enter the European program for accelerating the projects, which will help them to realize their own projects, Anita Kirkovska, main event organizer in Macedonia, said.
This year, NewMan's Business Accelerator is organizing the competition in Silicon Valley, and co-organizing the event in San Francisco and LA as well, which gives Macedonian participants the chance to collaborate and to create teams together with participants from these 3 locations.
In 2014, Skopje had the biggest number of NASA accepted projects in the world, and in 2015 it coordinated the event in 10 European cities, including Pristina where the team NatEv Exploter won the global prize People's Choice Award and together with Skopje's team attended a rocket launch in the Kennedy space center in Florida.